The current threats both external and internal prevailing in the Sub-Region coupled with ongoing re-organisation and expansion of Ghana Armed Forces (GAF) demanded the creation of a new Command to adequately and efficiently combat these threats as well as to deter would-be adversaries. Additionally, current refurbishing of old aircraft, recent and projected acquisition of both fixed and rotary-wing aircraft have all necessitated the need for a Tactical Command in the middle sector of Ghana.
The new establishment is also aimed at operationalizing the Ghana Air Force’s (GHF) expansion program in order to meet national security objectives for national development. Consequently, in line with the overall GAF’s quest to expand, the GHF proposed and was authorised to establish Tactical Air Command Bui (TACACB), at Bui. The Base was established on 29 January, 2022.

The purpose of the Command is to help deliver airpower effectively and efficiently to meet national security objectives in line with the expansion/restructuring of GAF. This is because swift mobility is a vital component of every military’s capability. The ability to move rapidly on short notice to or within an Area of Responsibility (AOR) is thus a primary requirement when planning and also an essential tool towards effective accomplishment of military missions.
TACACB will therefore focus on flexible/adaptive planning taking advantage of reach to help coordinate activities of FOBs which will intend increase forward presence in inaccessible areas especially “Dollar Power, Dorkorchina” and other ungoverned enclaves. This will help bring GHF’s airlift capabilities readily available to GAF personnel and other strategic partners (BPA, Mineral Commission, Boundary Commission, Forestry Commission etc) operating in and around Bono and other surrounding regions.
The establishment of the Command will additionally bring the advantages of speed and range, relatively unhindered by geographic obstacles, lack of roads and other communication lines. Consequently, establishing TACACB is expected to infuse surprise and flexibility into the tactical and mobility equation whether projecting power strategically over inter AOR distances, or operationally within AOR.
Furthermore, the Command in conjunction with other security agencies, shall provide security for the Bui Hydro Dam and other associated future strategic projects of BPA similar to the strategic reasoning that was behind locating the Nigerian Air Force near Kainji Dam in Nigeria, USA Air Force in Arizona and Dubai city. The new Command will also bring military presence to the middle section of Ghana’s western border and adjoining ungovernable land spaces very rich in mineral and other natural resources. This air force presence will thus guarantee safety and security within the middle belt and its immediate environs. Similarly, the Air Force presence will also help to prevent encroachments by an authorised persons on BPA reserved lands in the future.
The mission of Tactical Air Command Bui (TACACB) is to effectively and efficiently deliver airpower to Ghana Army ground combat units and Naval/Maritime units in order to defend the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ghana from internal and external aggression.
The functions of the TACACB shall include the following:
- Formulation of operational doctrines and policies affecting offensive and defensive operations.
- Liaising with Training Command for the formulation and implementation of training doctrines and policies affecting air operations.
- Directing and controlling air operations within AOR.
- Formulating doctrine and policies affecting Air Traffic Services.
- Formulating Air Defence plans of vital and key installations in Ghana.
- Formulating and coordinating activities of FOBs in Ghana.
- Formulating and implementing policies regarding fire protection of air assets and other infrastructure within AOR..
- Coordinating all operational exercises in the GHF.
- Provide combat-ready aircrews and tactical ground personnel to augment GHF bases.
- Validate existing tactics.
- Facilitate the development of Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures.
- Manage and disseminate relevant tactics information among other GHF units and appropriate outside GAF units.
- Serve as the operations focal point for weapons and munitions
- Performing the duties of the area air defence commander when assigned that responsibility by CAS.
- Conduct AOR airborne reconnaissance and surveillance responsibilities.
- Interdict target priorities within the land or naval force areas of operations (AOs) as designated by the land and Naval component commanders.
- Air mobility operations (inter and intra-airlift).
- Heliborne operations.
The organizational structure of TACACB is composed as follows:
- Commander TACACB (Comd TACACB) established rank of Air Commodore.
- Deputy Commander (Dep Comd TACACB) with an established rank of Group Captain.
- Commander Operations Group (CO OPS Gp) with an established rank of Group Captain.
- Commander Administration Group (CO Admin Gp) with an established rank of Group Captain.
- Commander Supply Group (CO Sup Gp) with an established rank of Group Captain.
- Commander Engineering Group (CO Eng Gp) with an established rank of Group Captain.
- Commander No.17 Fighter Group (CO No.17 Fighter Gp ) with an established rank of Group Captain.
- Commander No.9 Helicopter Group (CO No.9 Helli Gp) with an established rank of Group Captain.
- Commander No.8 Transport Group (CO No.8 Tpt Gp) with an established rank of Group Captain.
- Commander Special Operations (CO Sp Ops) with an established rank of Group Captain.
- Commd No. 12 Air Defence Group (COAD Gp) with an established the rank of Group Captain.
- Commander FOBs (CO FOBs) with an established rank of Group Captain.
- Command/Base Air Traffic Services (Cmmd/B ATS) with an established rank Wing Commander.
- Command Communications and Information Systems Officer (Commd CIS) with an established rank of Wing Commander.
- Command Air Intelligence Officer (Commd AI Offr) with an established rank of Wing Commander.
- Twenty-One (21) Officers Commanding with an established rank of Wing Commander.
- Command Safety/Training Officer (Commd S &Trg Offr) with an established rank of Squadron Leader.
- Seven Officers Commanding with an established rank of Squadron.
- Twelve Flight Commanders with an established rank of Flight Lieutenant