The maiden Air Force Officers’ Practical Promotion Examination (PROMEX) commenced on Monday 13 May 2024 with an opening ceremony at the Air Force Base Accra, Burma Camp.
The practical examination is being held for Officers of the rank of Flight Lieutenant who are due for promotion to the rank of Squadron Leader. It precedes the annual written examinations and is aimed at testing the knowledge of Candidates in administration and their ability to plan and conduct Air Operations in any theatre of operation. It is also to assess their ability to demonstrate life-saving techniques among others.
Prior to the practical examination, candidates went through a mandatory Basic Fitness Test (BFT) as part of the requirement to test their physical and mental fitness.
Speaking at the ceremony, the Chief Staff Officer, Air Commodore Eric Yirenkyi who is also the president of the PROMEX board stated that the practical examination was to test the readiness and capabilities of the Officers to adapt to real world scenarios. This he noted would prepare them to effectively carry out the mandate of the Ghana Armed Forces to be defenders of the country as enshrined in the 1992 Constitution.
Air Commodore Yirenkyi encouraged the candidates to approach each task with confidence and determination. He also commended the examiners for their commitment and dedication in preparing and mentoring the candidates.
Practical and written examinations are held every year for Officers who are due for promotion from the rank of Flying Officer to Flight Lieutenant and also from Flight Lieutenant to Squadron Leader and its equivalent in the other arms of service.
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