In a significant event, two Air Force Officers, Group Captain Baba Umaru Billey and Wing Commander Frank Ofosu Darko have been elevated from Co-pilots to Captains during the reopening of the refurbished Air Force Officers’ Mess on Tuesday 30 April 2024.



Former Chief of the Defence Staff, Air Marshal Michael Samson-Oje, removed their silver wings which they wore as co-pilots and adorned them with gold wings, symbolising their dedication and prowess in the skies and to usher them into their new roles as Captains.




The Chief of the Air Staff, Air Vice Marshal Frederick Asare Kwasi Bekoe in his remarks mentioned that the two Officers had demonstrated their readiness to take on challenges and responsibilities associated with their new roles and thus urged them to continue with their unwavering commitment and tireless service.



As per Mess traditions, the gold wings were drenched in alcohol to signify the transition.



Among the criteria for elevation to a Captain is the attainment of the role of Pilot in Command (PIC) with a minimum of 1000 flying hours.



Congratulations to Group Captain Baba Umaru Billey and Wing Commander Frank Ofosu Darko on this extraordinary achievement and may their wings continue to soar to new heights in service to their nation and its people.