
Wing Commander
Margaret Conduaba Kumaka

Wing Commander Margaret Conduaba Kumaka attended Accra Girls Secondary School and Mfanstiman Girls Secondary School for her Ordinary and Advanced Level Certificates respectively.

She was commissioned into the Supply Branch of the Ghana Air Force in 2005. Within the period of her military career, she has held appointments such as Assistant Director Supply (Regulation and Training) and Assistant Director Supply (Equipment Accounting and Manpower), both at the AFHQ. She is currently the Officer Commanding the Supply Wing at the Air Force Base, Accra.

Wing Commander Kumaka served with the Ghana Aviation Unit 9 in Cote d’Ivoire as the Logistics Officer in 2009 and as the Sector G1 in the United Nations Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Mission in Congo (MONUSCO) in 2018.

Wing Commander Kumaka holds a Diploma in Logistics and Transport from the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA) and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Economics and Literature in English from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST). She also holds a Master’s Degree in Defence and International Politics from the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA).

Wing Commander Kumaka is married with kids. She has interest in horticulture and spends time in her garden. She loves baking and admiring nature.

Role of the Supply Wing

Supply as related to the military refers to the provision of the material needs of military forces. It constitutes all materials, data, personnel, and related activities associated with the requirements, provisioning, acquisition of spares, sustenance and maintenance of inventories for the support of a force throughout its life cycle.

In most Air Forces, the specialisation of air operations and the increasing complexity of modern aircraft and support equipment require a very high standard of organisation and performance in stores work since the range of materials, components and spares are continually expanding. Stores and purchasing are largely inter-dependent and any inefficiency or lack of co-operation on either side is soon reflected in the other.

To cope satisfactorily with the whole supply problem in modern conditions, a complete ‘dovetailing’ of these two functions is essential. However, there are occasionally special circumstances which justify some split in control, but the more progressive concerns show an increasing tendency to completely integrate the purchasing and stores departments responsible for all these activities. Thus, the functions should be under the following department:

  1. Purchasing (Supply Cell - AFHQ): Its functions include sourcing, tendering, quotations, commercial negotiations, agreement of prices, order placing, supply contract, erection of contracts, sales of scrap and obsolete materials, market research, purchasing statistics, progression of orders and clearance of invoices for prices, discounts carriage and purchase conditions. A little of this activity is done at the Base Supply Wing by the Local Purchase Office/Section (LPO).
  2. Stores (Supply Wing – Base): The functions of the Stores Department include stores coding and vocabulary, material specification, material standardization, stock control, maintenance of stock records, stores accounting, stock checking, review of obsolete and surplus stock, inspection of goods delivered from suppliers, operation of store houses, operation of stock yards, certification of invoices for quantity and quality, movement and transportation of stores.

    The Supply Wing is responsible for provisioning, procurement, storage and issue of Special to Air items to serve the operational and administrative requirements of the Base. Additionally, it stores and issues clothing, barrack and other common user items to personnel of the Base and other tri-service units. It also maintains up-to-date records of and accounts for all equipment both in store and in use. Furthermore, the Wing ensures that resources are distributed and utilized in the most effective and efficient way, and as per existing Government and GAF Regulations.

    The Supply Wing is headed by the Officer Commanding the Supply Wing and organized into three squadrons to enable it carry out its functions effectively. The three squadrons are Stock Control and Accounting, Engineering Services and the Domestic Services Squadrons. These Squadrons are sub-divided into flights and sections.

Duties and Responsibilities of OCSW

The duties and responsibilities of the OCSW are outlined below;

  1. The OCSW is the adviser to the Base Commander on all supply and supply accounting matters. She is responsible for the provision, interpretation and implementation in the best interest of the Service, of all Air Force Staff Instructions and GAF Supply Policies. In doing so, they ensure efficient organization and functioning of the Base Supply Wing.
  2. The OCSW ensures adequate technical knowledge of equipment, adequate delegation of duties to subordinates and maintenance of smooth and efficient working relations between suppliers and consumers.